"As President of three major research universities, I relied heavily on The National Group to advance our goals in Washington. In my mind, there is nobody better in Washington for university representation... "

- David Schmidly, former President, Texas Tech University, Oklahoma State University, University of New Mexico

Higher Education

For nearly 30 years, The National Group’s partners have represented dozens of colleges and universities, large and small, from every part of the country. Whether representing community colleges, liberal arts colleges, land grant or other major research universities, The National Group has been one of the most effective advocates in Washington for policy and funding decisions affecting higher learning; for individual institutions or for higher education as a whole.

TNG’s Education Team is headed by Vince Versage, who helped develop and run the university and college practice at the Washington lobbying firm which pioneered the federal earmark practice for institutions of Higher Education.

We have represented dozens of individual colleges and universities, both public and private, securing hundreds of millions of dollars for graduate and undergraduate level research, equipment, technology, classroom and lab renovations, curriculum development, program support, alternative fuel vehicles and even infrastructure improvements like roads, bike lanes and pedestrian safety measures in public areas near campus.

The National Group devises comprehensive and winning strategies for our clients that enable them to secure significant federal funding both through the federal grant process as well as through the annual congressional budget process. We assist in establishing long-term research partnerships with federal agencies like the Departments of Defense, Energy, Agriculture, NSF and NASA, as well as partnerships with companies and non-profit organizations to further our clients’ educational missions.

In addition, we are experienced and effective advocates for higher education, as a whole, working with national organizations to affect legislation such as the Higher Ed Reauthorization, Tax Reform and Job Training bills that affect funding levels, priorities and other matters or importance.

When it comes to providing counsel and lobbying services to advance the cause of higher education in Washington, The National Group is second to none.

K-12 Education

Working with colleges, universities, museums and other organizations across the country, The National Group has provided strategic advice and lobbying services that have resulted in funding for dozens of K-12 math and science programs.

We are expert in helping our clients craft well-constructed project requests that perfectly mesh with the priorities of the Department of Education, NSF, NASA and other federal agencies that provide such funding for STEM, teacher training and other important programs. We have also helped our clients to establish relationships with local school districts that have allowed them to receive significant federal funding to provide those schools with first rate teacher training services.

The National Group have also been effective advocates for protecting program funding levels in the periodic reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and other legislation of importance to K-12 education.

Clients Represented